Improvised musicA weekly series of forward-thinking jazz and improvised music that takes place on Thursdays. Curated by saxophonist Dave Rempis since April 2002.

Improvised music

A weekly series of forward-thinking jazz and improvised music that took place on Thursdays. Curated by saxophonist Dave Rempis from 2002-2023.

ElastroA series of acoustic, electro/acoustic, electronic music, sound, and video performances featuring local, national, and international artists. Co-curated with musician Daniel Wyche.


A series of acoustic, electro/acoustic, electronic music, sound, and video performances featuring local, national, and international artists. Co-curated with musician Daniel Wyche.

Dark Matter Series & Residency Program

The Dark Matter Residency supports Chicago-based, emerging artists of color whose work challenges the hegemonic hierarchies of race through performance and visual representation.

CLEAT Listening and Performance Series

A focus on the CLEAT 16-channel speaker system installed at Elastic Arts, curated by Stephan Moore, Matt Test, and Sam Clapp.


Experiments with hybrids in live and streaming environments that focus on the moments of co-creation which give the artists a play-space to discover new ways of working together and interacting with the audience. Curated by Sara Zalek.



Pleiades is a monthly series that features womxn and non-binary musicians and improvisors. Curated by Emily Beisel.



J e l l o is a performance series that creates a space for dance/performance/movement artists to experiment, create, risk and try!

freedom from and freedom to

freedom from and freedom to

Freedom From and Freedom To is an exploration and celebration of artistic circumstance curated by Cristal Sabbagh.

Africlassical Futures

The AfriClassical Futures Series seeks to foreground the under-recognized achievements and challenges of African American composers and performers working in classical music.

Elastic Aural

Elastic Aural

Mexico City-Chicago Improvised Music Interchange. An International Connections project between Improvisers in Chicago and Mexico City.


Shares the space and community that we create, expanding outside of our walls and into the communities of the people we want to celebrate and uplift.

Performing Arts Curatorial Residency

This program invites one performing artist each year to join our curatorial roster, to curate a new series at Elastic for one year. The Residency helps keep Elastic's programming fresh while offering an opportunity for artists to organize events at Elastic.

Flex Obscura Series & Festival celebrates the breadth of creative modes of visual expression and film.


A participative workshop series exploring the poetry of human encounter through theater games and creative movement