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Paige Alice Naylor 'Sonant Arboretum'

sonant arboretum.jpg

Sonant Arboretum is a forest of voices, of memories, and alternate dimensions. It is a portrait of loss, of absence revealing an excess of discovery and re-birth. But to sing with the chorus of the trees is to touch the intangible for just a moment: 

“I tried to blow the wind through the leaves of your tree today with my breath. Like we could connect through wind, through pressure. Like I could animate your spirit through the tree and we could speak again through a dance and a whisper.”

This is a CLEAT system installation, utilizing 16 speakers to create a fully immersive audio experience.

More info TBA.

October 1

The MIYUMI Project

October 4

Jake Victor Trio & Wills McKenna Quartet