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Walden [verb] - Visual Exhibition Opening Night

Walden [Verb] is a group collaboration art exhibition that will be instealled at at Elastic Arts from July 12 - July 25. The run will be culminating in a live score to a 3-channel video installation on closing night.

Walden [verb] is a mixed-media show consisting of art made by members of the cast and crew of a 3-channel video installation called Walden [verb]. This 3-channel work will be the central piece of the show, and various satellite pieces in different art forms will form a creative grouping to accompany the main video installation in the space. Each satellite artwork will be connected to and inspired by the main work either by theme, underlying discussion, visual aesthetic, materials, or location/space. Of course, each artist is also connected to the main work because they in some way participated in the creation of it.

Participating Artist

Emma Rozanski, Liz Gomez, Yoni Goldstein, Gonzalo Escobar Mora, Madigan Burke, Zach Barner, Hadley Austin, Ronen Goldstein, Guy Fixsen, Bobbie Meier, Steve Meier, and Daniele Wilmouth

Opening Hours: 

Friday July 12: 6pm - close
Saturday July 13: 1pm - 5pm
Sunday 14: 2pm -6pm
Friday July 19: 3pm - 5pm
Saturday July 20: 2pm - 5pm
Sunday July 21: 3pm - 5pm
Thursday Jul 25: 2pm - 5pm
AND from 6pm - close (including the performance of an improvised live music score - tickets required)

July 11

Improvised Music Series Three solos: Raquel Gonzalez, Chien-An Yuan, & Ryan Dunn’s Instinct control

July 13

Open Gallery Hours - Walden [Verb]