Leszek Wisniowski
Robert Dick
Douglas R. Ewart
Sonic Paradise "Flute Flights!"
Composers and Musicians:
Robert Dick, Flutes
Leszek "Hefi" Wisniowski, Flutes
Douglas R. Ewart, Sopranino Saxophone, Flute, Voice and Poetry.
Ewart Instruments: Flutes, Didjeridus, Rainstick, and Bell Tree Crutch.
Douglas R. Ewart
Perhaps best known as a composer, improviser, sculptor and maker of masks and instruments, Douglas R. Ewart is also an educator, lecturer, arts organization consultant and all around visionary. In projects done in diverse media throughout an award-winning and widely-acclaimed 40-year career, Mr. Ewart has woven his remarkably broad gifts into a single sensibility that encourages and celebrates--as an antidote to the divisions and compartmentalization afflicting modern life-the wholeness of individuals in culturally active communities.
Robert Dick
Robert Dick has dispensed with preconceptions about what a flutist should sound like and what a flutist should play. A revolutionary composer/performer/improviser, he has literally redefined the flute for our age. He began composing and improvising in the 1970s, driven by the core idea that acoustic instruments can be played as human-powered synthesizers.
Robert has performed and recorded with Ursel Schlicht, Thomas Buckner, John Zorn, Nicole Mitchell, Paul Giger and Satoshi Takeishi, Jaron Lanier, Randy Raine-Reush and Barry Guy, Mari Kimura, Steve Gorn, Joëlle Leandre and Miya Masaoka, Adam Caine, Nicola Hein, Ulrike Lentz and many more. He’s been a member of the groups New Winds, Tambastics, Oscura Luminosa, the A.D.D. Trio, and has two CDs made in collaboration with the Soldier String Quartet. The Glissando Headjoint™ is Robert’s invention. This telescoping flute mouthpiece does for the flute what the “whammy bar” does for the electric guitar.
For complete info on the Glissando Headjoint®, Robert’s recordings, books, music and videos, please visit www.robertdick.net.
Leszek Wisniowski
Leszek Wisniowski (nickname Hefi) – flutist, composer and educator, mainly plays jazz and contemporary music. Graduate from Music Academy of Jazz in Katowice – the flute faculty. Since 2015 he has taught jazz flute class at Jazz Department of the Academy of Music in Cracow. Wisniowski is a laureate of numerous awards and honors in such a prestigious events like: “Jazz Juniors”- International Competition of Young and Debut Jazz Ensembles (1993), Siedlce Jazz Competition (1996), The Ministry of Culture Award (1998), “New Tradition”- Folk Music Competition, Warsaw (2001) Scholarship of the Minister of Science and Higher Education for outstanding artistic achievements (2015), Kosciuszko Foundation scholarship (2018) . He has recorded 5 own albums and participated in the creation of 35others. He performed solo parts on the soundtracks of 11 Polish films with music by Krzesimir Dębski and Zygmunt Konieczny. Moreover He colaborates with jazz and avant-garde artists: Jamie Baum, Robert Dick, Giridhar Udupa, Dominik Wania, Marek Choloniewski...
His achievements include many world premieres of contemporary music. He is invited to take part in significant events of the international flute community. He has given concerts and recorded in Asia, America and Europe. The last CD recorded with Polish poet Ewa Lipska is titled „World Failure”
$15 - Tickets Available at the Door