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Pleiades Series: Sarah Clausen (solo), Clausen/Stewart/Finnegan Trio

The October edition of our Pleiades Series will open with a solo set from the prolific Sarah Clausen on woodwinds/electronics. She’ll then team up with Macie Stewart and Lily Finnnegan for some trio improvistions. This show will kick off with these two sets and then lead into the classic Pleiades free improvisation jam session which is open to all womxn and nonbinary musicians, movers and other artists (e-mail to join the jam.) Don’t miss this special Monday Pleiades!

Artist Bios

Utilizing space, unique melodic content, and diverse textures, Sarah Clausen has developed an approach to improvisation and composition that is forward moving, and inspired by many musical traditions.

Macie Stewart primarily works with piano, violin, voice, guitar, and synthesizers. From a very young age Macie was drawn towards music and sound; learning to communicate with music while simultaneously learning to communicate with words. Stewart’s experience as an open collaborator and composer in her own right has led her music to become fluid and expansive- drawing on all that has come before while intentionally searching for something new. “Mouth Full of Glass” was her debut solo project: released fall of 2021 in the US and as an international release in fall of 2022.

Chicago based drummer Lily Finnegan strives to push boundaries and not adhere to labels. She focuses on the experimental, honest, and collaborative aspects of performance, composition, and improvisation. Currently playing with the Ken Vandermark Quintet, the Lily Finnegan Trio, Shoulderbird, Sarah Clausen Trio and Booph. Collaborators and bands have included Kris Davis, Val Jeanty, Ken Vandermark, Dave Rempis, Katie Ernst, Jason Stein, Cristof Kurzmann, Katinka Kleijn, Lea Delaria, Sharel Cassity and Deodorant.

$15 / $10 w/ Student ID - Tickets Available at the Door

October 15

Elastro A/V Night 2: Curated by Ruby Que, Asya Dubrovina, and castroduperly

October 17

Theo Katsaounis, James Marlon Magas, Matt Espy 'Hawksworth'