Douglas R. Ewart
Lou Malozzi
Renee Baker
Mocrep & Katie Young
What is water? Mocrep and Katie Young construct a sonic raft that drifts down a lazy (yet near fatal) river of field recordings, aquatic memories, and slippery musings. There will also be singing and bells.
Captain Ryan Zerna - flute
First Mate Deidre Huckabay - EWI & flute
Bosun Katie Young - bassoon
Second Mate Lia Kohl - cello
Chief Engineer Zach Moore - bass
Cook Zachary Good - recorder
Watch Leader Jenna Lyle - voice and things
Medical Purser Andrew Tham - synthesizers
Equilateral Triangle
Equilateral Triangle is a new ensemble from Douglas R. Ewart, Renee Baker, and Lou Malozzi.
Douglas R. Ewart
Perhaps best known as a composer, improviser, sculptor and maker of masks and instruments, Douglas R. Ewart is also an educator, lecturer, arts organization consultant and all around visionary. In projects done in diverse media throughout an award-winning and widely-acclaimed 40-year career, Mr. Ewart has woven his remarkably broad gifts into a single sensibility that encourages and celebrates--as an antidote to the divisions and compartmentalization afflicting modern life-the wholeness of individuals in culturally active communities.
Lou Malozzi
Lou Mallozzi is an interdisciplinary artist whose work examines relationships between presentation, representation, knowledge, and site, taking the form of installations, performances, fixed media works, improvised music, and drawings. During his more than three decades of interdisciplinary arts practice, he has performed, exhibited, and broadcast in a number of venues in the US and Europe, including the Museum of Contemporary Art Chicago, The Renaissance Society, Randolph Street Gallery Chicago, Ausland Berlin, TUBE Audio Art Series Munich, Bayersicher Rundfunk Munich, New American Radio, Experimental Intermedia New York, Radiorevolten Festival Halle, Constellation Chicago, and many others. In his role as director of Experimental Sound Studio from 1986-2016, Mallozzi coordinated, co-organized, and curated scores of performances, exhibitions, broadcasts, festivals and commissions, presenting the work of over 400 artists to audiences throughout Chicago. Mallozzi is Associate Professor in the Sound Department of the School of the Art Institute of Chicago.
Renee Baker
Chicago Modern Orchestra Project founder Renée Baker, active since 2005, has become a renowned proponent of classical and contemporary avant-garde music that is considered to be at the forefront of experimentation and innovation for orchestras.She is A member of the AACM (Association for the advancement of Creative Musicians)
CMOP is relentlessly experimental because of founder Renée Baker’s pioneering work in traditional composition and conducting, painting, graphism,, collage, sculpture, film scoring, and neo opera development.
Chicago Modern Orchestra Project (CMOP), a polystylistic orchestral organization that grew from the plums of classical music as well as jazz.