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Mia Furlong 'Playground' Visual Gallery Exhibition Opening

We’re excited to welcome a new exhibition in our visual gallery space from Chicago artist Mia Furlong. Playground showcases a selection of works from Chicago artist, Mia Furlong. The show focuses on experimentation, exploration, and venture. Furlong’s pieces are in constant motion tinkering and toying with the playground that is everything around her, from the dried paint on her acrylic jars to the spices in her cabinet.

Furlong describes her process usually starting with taking a picture of a scene where she is drawn to an interesting shape or the play of light and shadow. From there she crops the images and manipulates that on canvas. Furlong says, “a blue wall is never going to be a blue wall.” Her aim is never to make something that looks like that thing, but invokes the feeling with texture, shape, and color. She often starts with acrylic paints because of their flexibility. “You can make them look like pastel, wax, watercolor, and they’re glue.” When she paints, she isn’t thinking about what the final product is going to be, only how she wants to use her tools at that moment. She may have an idea of a material that interests her to start her work but it is all a process of trial and experimentation. Currently, this is a stock pile of zip ties.

Playground is a show that embodies Furlong’s philosophy on art. Painting started as a way to wind down after work, so she bought some supplies and started using them until something felt right. She wants people to know that she has no formal training. She is inspired by other artists and tries to focus on what they do well in their art to influence hers. Furlong tries not to succumb to the pitfalls of a certain series selling well because her art is about play and doing what you want to at that moment. Furlong likens art as someone being told they pull off a hairstyle really well whereas the other person thinks they could not. Her response is, “Sure you can. Just do it.”
Furlong hopes Playground will inspire people to create. This show is designed to allow anyone to explore their playful sides. Furlong encourages viewers to bring any objects, toys, and supplies they can to play with and use on a piece she has started working on. Playground will make you feel like a kid again. Everyone is encouraged to get in on the action whether that be finger painting on the canvas or figuring out how to stick that thing you’ve been saving for no reason into the wet paint.

We’ll have a $free$ opening event this Sunday at 7pm.

August 1

Improvised Music Series Eli namay’s Sound Mass VI + Hearsay (Allen Moore, Ishmael ALi, Bill Harris)

August 8

improvised music series: Dr. Belsidus and Friends; David Boykin and Alexandra Antoine