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Improvised Music Series: Sharon Udoh + Kyle Gregory Price, Ra Bishop Duo

Sharon Udoh

Kyle Gregory Price

Ra Bishop duo

Photographer: Li Qi

Sharon Udoh and Kyle Gregory Price will be an anomalous tornado spiraling in and out, up and down, only to put all the houses back down gently via the caring hands of experience, hope, community and musical salvation. They will be joined by Lewis Achenbach who will be painting live.

Percussionist Avreeayl Ra (he/him) and trombonist Jeb Bishop (he/him) will appear as the first duo configuration of Ra Bishop, a quartet (usually) anticipating a spring 2025 album release on the Amalgam label.

$15 / $10 w/ Student ID - Tickets Available at the Door

About the artists

Sharon Udoh is a Nigerian-American pianist, composer, arranger, curator, and vocalist based in Chicago. She sometimes performs under the name Counterfeit Madison, combining vocals that seemingly erupt from the center of the earth with a stage presence that somehow feels both dangerous and kind. She has jammed with a myriad of Chicago folks yet on this particular evening it will be Kyle Gregory Price. Kyle is a composer, percussionist, song-writer and performer whose arms outstretched genre-fluid wingspan is as dynamic as his personality. He brings a different kind of mind coupled with chaos that coalesces into form and story-telling.

Percussionist Avreeayl Ra (he/him) and trombonist Jeb Bishop (he/him) have worked together in multiple settings over the last ten years or so. The project Ra Bishop encompasses a trio configuration with reedist Edward Wilkerson Jr. and a quartet configuration adding keyboardist Erez Dessel. A CD of the quartet and digital release by the trio will appear, under the title Of the Essence, in the spring of 2025 on the Amalgam label. This will be the first appearance by the duo configuration of the project.

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