Image of Shoshana Green, Illustration by Sara Zalek
(ID: Shoshona Green in black standing with legs in a wide stance, right hand on the head, elbow out, the left hand down in a diagonal with an open palm toward the back. The lower right side of the image is Hot Pink/magenta and this color is also her face and arms. Her mouth is agape. The upper ⅔ of the image is white/blank.)
Join us as we tie dye our Hot Mess! T-shirts and anything else 100% cotton with the master of fabrics, Ms. Mary Tabar. We will provide our HM t-shirts, and BYO Clothing Swap/anything else you’d like to try. Also! Photo Booth with our great friend Ricardo Adame, so bring some oldies, get some freshies, and smile in the good light! We will have a pot of Veg Chili and some fixins' BYO anything else you'd like to share, not required but adored! FREE!
Plus get a behind the scenes look at OBS (Open Broadcasting Software crucial to Hot Mess) and chill with friends! We'll be playing some Hits from the 7 previous Hot Mess! episodes, talking about what's in store for 2023.
Pictured: Sheenru Yong in the foreground, Meenakshi M in the background. Photo by Ricardo Adame
(ID: A figure in silhouette seated on the floor center frame, with one bare leg up in the air at an odd angle, her toes splayed and her hands clasped in the air around her hamstring. Her gaze is intently forward, left, her hair in long ponytail “bumps” down her back, blending into her torso in a black tank. Her white pants float on the floor, her opposite leg rests. Another figure behind is partially visible, with head and neck down hanging, hands on the floor resting forward. There are empty folding chairs behind them, frame left, a blurred background of light and dark, at Elastic Arts. )