Bob Ghengis Khan
Post Consumer Material
There's only a few more weeks until the Bates High School Senior Prom! Who will be crowned this year's Queen? Come join Bob Genghis Khan (Corey Lyons, Joe Lepek, Janna Lee, Alexander Adams), as they continue their Halloween tradition of improvising a live soundtrack to a film, and this year they have chosen 1976's Carrie. Come dressed for prom, your favorite halloween costume, or both! Before the main event, Post Consumer Material (X. A. Li, Estlin Usher) will also play a set to another short film, and Chicago's favorite Pere Ubu cover band, Pere-ish Ubu opens the night.
Band Bios:
Bob Genghis Khan
BGK was formed in 2015 when two new dads found a common bond as they exorcised the anxieties of parenthood by drowning themselves in noise. Since then the vertible forces of Janna Lee and Alexander Adams have been absorbed into the BGK family unit. A Bob Genghis Khan show is like waking up from an amanita muscaria induced fever dream in the middle of a psychedelic circus where no one has slept for six days.
Post Consumer Material
Post Consumer Material ( is an audiovisual collaboration between X. A. Li ( and Estlin Usher ( X. A. Li is a multidisciplinary artist and machine learning scientist applying computational methods to distill human meaning from complex systems. Estlin Usher is a sound artist employing stochastic synthesis and sample manipulation to construct experimental compositions informed by noise, industrial, ambient, and electro-acoustic paradigms.
Pere-ish Ubu
Pere - ish Ubu is a group dedicated to traveling back to North East Ohio, 1977 and unpacking the magic from the first two Ubu albums, The Modern Dance and Dub Housing. Pere-ish observes the direction from the maestro of keeping the zone free of irony and most importantly, not pronouncing all the words.
$15 - Tickets Available at the Door