FFFT returns for its 7th iteration of sound and movement collaborations!
MIchele Blu https://www.instagram.com/michelebluyoga/?hl=en
Tom Borax https://www.ultravioletlight.blue/product/tom-borax
Hunter Diamond http://ishmaelalimusic.com/
Carol Genetti https://carolgenetti.info/
Bill Harris https://www.billyharris.net/
Mabel Kwan https://mabelkwan.com/
Joey Meland https://soundcloud.com/joeymeland
Allen Moore http://allenmooreart.net/
Luc Mosley https://www.facebook.com/fallingflowerarts
Olula Negre https://www.instagram.com/olula_negre/?hl=en
Janice Misurell-Mitchell https://jmisurell-mitchell.com/
Ivan Pyzow http://www.pyzow.com/
Bashi Rose https://www.instagram.com/bashirose/
Scott Rubin scottrubinmusic.com
Norman Long https://normanwlong.bandcamp.com/
Wilson Tanner Smith https://www.wilsontannersmith.com/
Molly Jones https://www.mollyjonesmusic.com/
Adam Zanolini http://www.adamzanolini.com
Ben Zucker https://www.benzuckersounds.com/
Irene Hsiao https://www.instagram.com/irenechsiao/
Helen Lee https://www.momentumsensorium.com/
Orlando Johnson https://www.instagram.com/summoboringshhhh/
Keisha Janae https://www.instagram.com/k_jlight/?hl=en
Lydia Jekot lydiajekot.wixsite.com/portfolio
Gaby Martinez https://www.instagram.com/gabygoo2/
Harlan Rosen https://www.facebook.com/melancholiarific
Cristal Sabbagh https://www.instagram.com/cristalsabbagh/
Beatrice Schleyer https://www.jujumechanics.com/
Aurora Tabar https://www.auroratabar.com/
Sara Zalek https://www.saratonin.com/
This will be live at Elastic Arts but also live streaming for anyone who can’t make it.
Freedom From and Freedom To is an exploration and celebration of artistic circumstance. Movement and sound improvisors from all around Chicago gather in front of a live audience, where they are grouped by chance. Each group performs an improvised set. We fuse diverse artistic backgrounds and practices to create unique and fleeting worlds.
Our events are improvisational performance environments which interrogate movement and sound. We use an ensemble of movers and sound-makers that are remarkably diverse in their crafts and backgrounds. Freedom From and Freedom To integrates relationality by engaging audience participation. The audience is invited to randomly draw a combination of artists who will perform together. Some of the participants have never engaged with each other before, which creates a challenging and often rewarding opportunity for world-making.