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Avreeayl Ra - Healing Arts Initiative: Meditation in Motion

To start off 2022, a(nother) year of urgent healing, master drummer and 2018 Elastic Achievement Award recipient Avreeayl Ra will offer his Healing Arts Initiative: Meditation in Motion workshop series at Elastic Arts every other Wednesday. The workshop series will explore the healing and spiritual dimensions of music that, not “free,” rather is spontaneously composed collectively by musicians in real time, and which is intended to beneficially adjust the energy fields of participants and witnesses. Avreeayl will be joined by several musician collaborators such as Dave Rempis, Michael Zerang, and Edward Wilkerson, Jr., poets such as G’Ra George Hines, as well as dancers and other healers.

Events in this series will be different from a performance. For those wishing a performance, Avreeayl will also be in residence each Tuesday in February. However, the workshops are designed for inner attainment more than entertainment. The concept is founded in a wider meditation practice and belief system centered on music as a means to affect conscious and spiritual energy, and the series is a continuation of similar workshops Avreeayl has held in a Hyde Park yoga studio. Participants are encouraged to bring pillows, blankets, and yoga mats (although ample seating will be provided for those who need or prefer a chair.)

Tonight’s Lineup:

Avreeayl Ra - drums
Edward Wilkerson, Jr. - woodwinds
Dave Rempis - saxophones
Jim Baker - piano/synthesizer
G’Ra - poetry
Ishmael Ali - cello

January 15

Postponed: Pleiades Series: Zalek/Lefauve, Throne of Lies

January 21

CLEAT Series: Hali Palombo, Kikù Hibino + Hali Palombo Visual Gallery Exhibition Opening